Champion Pest and Lawn Care, Grass Roots Pest Control and Lawn Care
Contact Us Today! 785-9 no bugs
You can never be too safe when it comes to keeping pests and insects from overtaking your home or business. Champion Pest and Lawn Care offers monthly maintenance spraying to Northeast Kansas. Keep those hard-to-get pests that never want to leave off your property today! Contact us for a free estimate on monthly pest control maintenance!
For customers with a low tolerance for pests and insects, we recommend a monthly service plan. Once a month we spray your property for pests and other issues to stop them from forming a colony on your property. We take care of the problem before it gets a chance to expand.
If you have unique pest issues that persist, a monthly plan might be best for you too. If you have any questions on if a monthly plan works best for you, contact us today!
In Kansas, we see all the seasons. Sometimes we even get all four on the same day. Our maintenance programs and service is designed to keep your property pest free no matter what time of the year it is. We can visit throughout the year to ensure you have full exterior and interior protection from pests. For a rodent and pest maintenance plan, look no further than Champion Pest and Lawn Care!
Need more information? Call us on 785-9 no bugs to speak with one of our experts.
785-9 no bugs
| Email:
| Address: 210 S 4th Mayetta Kansas 66509-0278
Business Hours: Mon-Sat 8:00 am to 6:00 pm | Sun Closed